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Showing posts from March, 2015

The Founder & Executive Director Shares his Perspective on the Future Track of MIS to Parents

Objectives are set and we are one step ahead! Martin B. Papay Jr., the Founder & Executive Director of Maharlika International School during the school’s 7 th Graduation and Recognition Program on March 28, 2015 conversed with parents about some of his institutional plans for the school. Initially, he highlighted the opening of the 9 th grade this coming school year 2015-2016. The said year level is part of the Junior High school based on the K to 12 curriculum of the Philippine education system.   This program as defined by the Official Gazette of the Department of Education of the Republic of the Philippines covers Kindergarten and 12 years of Basic Education (six years of Primary Education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment and entrepreneurship.  

H.E. Vice Minister I of the Ministry of Education Timor-Leste Graces the 7th Graduation and Recognition Program

A total of 41 graduates of Maharlika International School marched at the school ground on the 7 th Graduation and Recognition Program on March 28, 2015.   “A Dignified and Productive Life: Wrought Through Quality Education” was the theme of the program. The Founder and Executive Director, Martin B. Papay Jr., confirmed the graduates of class 2015. There were 22 Preschool and 19 Elementary Graduates . The honorable guest speaker, Vice Minister of Education 1 in Timor- Leste of the 6th Constitutional Government, Her Excellency Dulce De Jesus Soares, M.A., graced the graduation ceremony as   she urged the graduates and the under graduates to fully exercise their faculty of analytical thinking skills. “You have to be creative problem solvers and critical thinkers to deal with the circumstances of life”, said Soares in her speech. She then advised the graduates to utilize their multiple intelligence as they apply their learnings in voyaging another road of success.