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Showing posts from 2021

2021 Graduation, Moving-Up and Recognition Message from the Founder & Executive Director

T oday is a joyous day amidst these trying times! Please allow me to express my utmost  gratitude to everyone and my warmest felicitations too on this remarkable day! The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought drastic changes not only in East Timor but the entire world. It has created challenges and difficulties in the society that we live. Many aspects of our lives have been greatly affected and in this context, the educational process of the human person. Educational institutions were not spared. We have seen over the year the changes that everyone has to adapt in the light of elucidation and of progress. Classes were modified to comply with the protocols and guidelines of the government, health and education authorities; and due to lockdowns declared by the government, the teaching-learning processes were reformed. During the remaining two (2) months of the Academic Year 2020-2021, our students stayed and learned in their homes while their teachers taught in their own places. ...

MIS Revives its Outreach Program

Through the initiative of Maharlika International School’s Founder and Executive Director, Martin Banaken Papay Jr., the outreach program of MIS was revived in order to extend a little help for those badly hit by the heavy rainstorm in Dili on April 4, 2021. The wrath of the heavy rainstorm left many homeless and were provided with a temporary shelter in various evacuation centers in the city. They also lacked of food, water and other essential goods. On April 7, 2021, Mr. Papay appealed to the Maharlikan parents of their donations in support to the MIS’ Outreach Program with the theme "Relive the Spirit of Extending help and Concern for Others" which is also known as a BAYANIHAN culture/custom in Filipino Language. Their support is invaluable to the success of this activity. Through this initiative, MIS was able to receive $520.00 Cash, 27 sacks of rice, 1 gallon (5 liters) and 1 box of 620 ml cooking oil, 25 boxes of noodles, bottled water (7 boxes of 600 ml & 4 boxes...